Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We Love The Fund for Teachers

Now that Lettermama's here, there is someone to take pictures of us together! (Although I did figure out how to use the timer on my camera to take the lovely shot on the left, under our names on the front page of this blog. I had to stack the camera on about six video tapes in order to get our whole heads. Letterlady was actually trying to get work done and I was very annoying.) So here we are, in front of our home away from home. All this, compliments of The Fund For Teachers. How lucky are we?

I have lost count of my chapters, since I started skipping around and going out of order. I was finding myself really frustrated with one of my characters, and wanting to write things like, "And then he proposed and she said yes and they got married." Ugh. Do I really have to write the scenes? Can't we just move on?

Letterlady's advice was good. She said I should skip ahead and write the part I was anxious to get to, and come back to the part that bored me later. Despite the fact that it goes against my grain to work out of sequence, I took her suggestion and I've been having a great time writing about Eurydice's semester as an adjunct professor at a "non-sectarian, Buddhist-inspired university in Boulder, Colorado." Hee hee. Several new characters showed up who I like much better than the folks I was writing about before, and suddenly, I'm happy again. Good advice, Letterlady!

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