Saturday, June 16, 2007

the time has come the walrus said

And finally, on Saturday night, our brains have begun to sputter. I got lost cutting and pasting, so I took a break. On the break, I lost at Scrabble to my smart husband. Good thing he is so sweet or I would be really really bitter. And then I decided that it being Saturday night, it being 8pm and we have worked since waking, and it being my summer vacation--- I will take a break for the rest of the night.
party on.
I have convinced my compatriot to join me in this revelry. We are drinking juice with Jackfruit in it (how wild is that? we don't even know what Jackfruit is? does anyone out there?), and planning on watching TV. That's right, you heard me. We are forgoing all the fine literary stuff we are creating, and forgoing all the fine literary stuff we brought for pleasure reading. Instead, we offer our brains the anesthesia of the procedural drama. Because I really never lose this many games of scrabble, and no 2 teachers have ever worked this hard (through the weekend!) on summer break.
Gotta go. CSI Miami is on.

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