Saturday, July 7, 2007

Give me an L-E-T-T-E-R-L-A-D-Y!

Since she is too modest (or busy) to post it herself, I thought I'd let our loyal readers know that Letterlady has four agents interested in seeing her manuscript. These are folks she networked with two years ago when she was shopping her anthology of short stories. They each told her there wasn't much of a market for short stories by unknown authors, but to contact them when she had a novel. Well, now she has one, she has contacted them, and they all want to see it. Yay!!

When she gets her draft back from Susan, the Careful Reader, we are going to set up some times to get together to edit, revise and generally prepare the drafts for sending out. I predict that they will be in the mail before school starts and she'll have an agent by Thanksgiving (maybe a book contract by the new year??)

Rah Rah Rah! Sis Boom Bah! Go-o-o-o-o Letterlady!!


Anonymous said...

That is amazing tell her i said good luck and carpe diam

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Letterlady! From your biggest fan in Bend, Oregon!!