Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Plumbing the Depths

I put up all my notecards again (having carefully taken them down off the windows in our cabin.) I started to put them on my sliding glass doors, but they blocked out too much light, so I decided to make the most of the wasted wall space in the family room bathroom! Perhaps it will help me keep things in perspective when I start to feel like my writing is s#*t?

(No comments, please, about the horrible wallpaper. When I moved in almost thirteen years ago, I swore that the faux-Anasazi petroglyph wallpaper was the first thing that had to go. Now here we are in an entirely new century, and I still suffer with it every day. It is, however, at the top of my list of home improvement things to do. I even have the wallpaper steamer in my garage waiting for that slow weekend. Wallpaper removal tips, anyone?)

On another note, now that Letterlady and I are back in the same state, we had lunch and she told me that she has made the revisions that Careful Reader Susan and Lettermama suggested. Then she mailed off manuscripts to four agents who want to see it! She wants to target about ten more, and then she has to sit back and wait two to six months for their responses. Good thing school's starting soon and she has that lower-case Letterbaby to plan for...otherwise she might go a little crazy -- crazier? Strange to think that it takes longer for a book to be published than it does to gestate a human baby...or an elephant baby, for that matter.


Anonymous said...

Maybe with enough note cards you will cover up the quasi-Anasazi, and your problem will be solved. It is sort of fun to think that work in the present has more energy than problems from the past.

Book Force said...

Quasi-Anasazi, very nice. Wallpaper removal, not so nice. There is an excellent sludge you can get to smear all over the paper - let it stand for a bit, and it practically falls off the wall. Is it time for school already?

Leah-Kim said...

I just spent my morning reading through your entire blog...can't believe I didn't follow along before.
You are both amazing and it sounds like a wonderful journey..hope you have a few minutes of rest before everything ramps up again.
I didn't know there was a baby "Better" how wonderful!

see you both soon